Sunday, July 26, 2015 - 15:00

The Space Between


I feel such warmth, such connection with the present and the past, whilst writing in this house that once belonged to the Gaskells and was open to all, as it is today in the now. I feel my pen move across blank paper and create words and leave spaces, like a meditation of sorts for me. Finally, I read what has been written and sometimes share, or in the space listen to my new friends.

Monday, February 23, 2015 - 21:15

I can’t think of a more inspiring place to sit with my pen and notepad than in the home of Elizabeth Gaskell, one of England’s finest writers.

Friday, November 21, 2014 - 23:00

An odd thing happens to a lot of people when they visit 84 Plymouth Grove.

They find themselves falling very much in love.

People expecting a stuffy, formal museum are greeted instead into a warm, inviting family home. They are invited to sit down in the Drawing Room, or Study and perhaps read a book. Or have a cup of tea and a slice of cake in the Servants Hall. All the while, being regaled by charming anecdotes and stories about the famous authoress who used to live there.
