Early Years and Primary


Book one of our new, interactive and engaging workshops now!

Early years:

Storytime at Elizabeth Gaskell’s House

An interactive, hands on story time session inspired by Beatrix Potter, a childhood visitor to Plymouth Grove. Children will play with Victorian toys, enjoy a story in our hands on Period Rooms and take part in a craft activity.

Curriculum areas: Literacy, Art and Design.


Through the keyhole at Elizabeth Gaskell’s House: Who lived in a house like this in Victorian times?T

Through a variety of playful and hands on activities pupils will discover more about Elizabeth Gaskell, her family and her Victorian home. Using Victorian household objects, toys and replica costume pupils will compare and contrast life in Victorian times to today.

Curriculum areas: History, Literacy, Drama, Science.


The Interruptions of Home: What was life like in 84 Plymouth Grove in Victorian times?

Through a variety of historical enquiry and drama activities pupils will discover who lived in 84 Plymouth Grove in 1860 and what their lives can tell us about the Victorians. These activities are based on extracts from Elizabeth Gaskell’s brilliantly descriptive letters and pupils will bring to life the characters from these letters using replica objects and costumes.

Curriculum areas: History, Drama, Literacy.

Now and then: Discover how 84 Plymouth Grove has changed through time.

Through hands on exploration using objects and historical documents, pupils will discover facts about the restoration of a significant local history site and the life of Elizabeth Gaskell. Using their history detective skills pupils will piece together evidence to illustrate the history of the House through different periods in its history.

Curriculum areas: History, Literacy, Geography.